Golf Instruction

A Guide to Golf Club Distance for the Average Golfer

The distances a golf club can hit the ball vary depending on the golfer’s skill level, swing speed, and other factors. For an average golfer, here’s a rough guideline for the typical distances each club might achieve:

  1. Driver: 200 to 250 yards
  2. 3-Wood: 180 to 230 yards
  3. 5-Wood: 170 to 210 yards
  4. 3-Iron: 160 to 200 yards
  5. 4-Iron: 150 to 190 yards
  6. 5-Iron: 140 to 180 yards
  7. 6-Iron: 130 to 170 yards
  8. 7-Iron: 120 to 160 yards
  9. 8-Iron: 110 to 150 yards
  10. 9-Iron: 100 to 140 yards
  11. Pitching Wedge: 90 to 130 yards
  12. Sand Wedge: 70 to 110 yards
  13. Lob Wedge: 50 to 90 yards

These distances can vary, so it’s always good to test your own clubs and see what works best for you. Additionally, as you gain experience and improve your technique, these distances might change.



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