Putting in Golf – 10 tips to improve it

Making short putts can have a significant impact on your golf score. Even professional golfers on the PGA Tour struggle with short putts, losing strokes to their competitors. However, by mastering the right technique, practicing diligently, and maintaining a strong mental approach, you can significantly improve your putting percentages from inside 5 feet.

Putting in Golf

“Putting” in golf refers to the action of using a putter to roll the golf ball across the green and into the hole. It is one of the essential skills in golf, and effective putting can greatly impact a player’s overall score. Here are some key points about putting in golf.

Follow these 10 tips to transform yourself into a short putting machine:

How to be a better putter

1. Aim Your Putter Face Correctly

The most common mistake golfers make on short putts is mis-aiming the putter face. Always take an extra second to get your alignment right. Focus on aiming the face directly at the hole. Having your eyes directly over the ball will improve alignment.

2. Use a Neutral Putting Grip

Grip pressure and hand positioning have a big impact on stroke path and face angle. Utilize a light, neutral grip with the hands working together. Avoid tension and an overly strong grip on short putts.

3. Maintain Good Posture

Get into an athletic posture with knees and hips slightly flexed. Then make sure your eyes stay over the ball throughout the stroke. This promotes solid contact and directional control.

4. Keep Your Lower Body Quiet

Limit excess movement with your lower body during the stroke. Swaying, sliding, or standing up can influence direction. Stay stable to keep the putter face square.

5. Make a Smooth, Pendulum Stroke

Use a simple back and forth pendulum motion, allowing the shoulders to rotate freely. Let the putter swing along your ideal path. Avoid manipulation during the stroke. Rhythm and tempo are key.

6. Take the Putter Back Only a Short Distance

Long backswings lead to inconsistency on short putts. Make a compact, controlled backstroke of just a few inches. Never take it back past parallel to the ground.

7. Minimize Unnecessary Motion

Any extra movements like forward presses, exaggerated wrist breaks, or quick flips with your hands can knock the putt off line. Keep things simple and efficient.

8. Read All Putts, Short or Long

Even 2-3 footers can break a bit. So always read the green and visualize the proper line. Then make sure your putter path matches it.

9. Show the Short Ones Respect

Just because a putt is short doesn’t mean you can be casual over it. Give it your full focus and match the read with a confident stroke. Stay mentally sharp on every putt.

10. Practice with Purpose

Dedicate time to practice short putts with games or drills. Measure progress with stats or video. Quality reps will build confidence under pressure. Focus on good mechanics and results will come.

Sinking more short putts comes down to honing your fundamentals. Master your setup, stroke, reading, and mental approach. Show respect for the short ones and maintain focus. With purposeful practice, your putting percentages inside 5 feet will start climbing in no time!

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